Tulip is teething like crazy…and I’m waiting for Elizabeth Pantley’s book to arrive (I ordered it a few days ago).

 This blog is closing…check out my new one…

Hope you come check it out.


Add a comment January 17, 2008
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Sleep Training: Night 3

What a night!!!  Tulip had a tough night!  Which means Mama and Daddy did also!

The night was going well…except Tulip wasn’t nursing well for bedtime.  She was biting!  She got her first tooth 2 weeks ago and is really working Tooth #2 all day…she was doing the funniest things with her cute little “two-lips” especially in the evening.  I decided to give her a little Tylonol…which I do extremely sparingly.  I’ve hardly ever given her Tylonol and typically give her more comfort with holding her, giving her ice to chew on, nurse her, and anything else I can think of to distract her from her gums.  But night #3 distractions weren’t working and her continued biting also not working.  So the Tylonol started working in about 25 minutes and she nursed just a little.  I put her down asleep and she was again awake in about 30 minutes.  I nursed her again hoping she’d get a more full-feeding before she slept.   It was around 10 when she finally stayed asleep…2+ hours after her regular bedtime.

She woke off and on but fell back asleep on her own until around midnight and then she LOST IT!  She was acting a little weird to and nothing was consoling her…even when we left her nursery.  I started just checking her out to see if something was poking her or was too tight…but she just got more upset.  Finally she calmed down enough for me to nurse her…I did not want to give her tylonol again.  She fell asleep but got upset as soon as I put her in her crib.  I tried to soothe her without picking her up and she kept wiggling around and pulling at her left ear…uh-oh!  I picked her up and took her to our bedroom…she lost it again but calmed down enough for me to put some warm oil in her ear…an old home remedie for an ear ache.  She had no temp so I don’t think she had an infection.  I held her until she fell asleep and tried 3 more times to get her to lay down in her crib but it wasn’t going to happen so she slept with us.  She normally sleeps very well with us but she slept fitfully I’m sure because of her ear.

So…I was up almost constantly for over 3 hours so we did not make it to church this morning…but she took a good nap this a.m. but in the p.m. she hasn’t slept quite as well.  But I think she’ll take an “off schedule” nap yet.  🙂  She’s such a sweet little girl and our days are literally great…I would hardly change a thing.  She plays so well and naps well (though her naps are on my bed)…and just has the most charming little personality.  The evenings are just no good right now…but I have faith that we’ll get there!

I’ve seen a lot of books out there for no-cry solutions that I’ve been interested in.  Of course, it’s impossible to think that sleep-training will literally be NO-CRYING.  But even some of the no-cry solution books I’ve read that several of those authors still say that the baby may VOMIT while crying themselves to sleep (even while the parent is cribside) and to have a towel in case…and some go so far to say not to pick them up if they vomit!  That is unacceptable!  If Tulip were ever to vomit while falling to sleep because she was so upset…not only would I feel extremely guilty but I would ABSOLUTELY pick her up and obviously she’d likely need a change of clothes and maybe even a new crib sheet or crib saver.  I could not IMAGINE just dabbing her vomit and then let her continue crying and lay in her vomit!  So I hesitate to buy any book that suggests that this is acceptable.

If someone out there knows a book that does not suggest that this is normal or acceptable, send me an email or comment on the blog…I’d appreciate it!  Thanks!


2 comments January 13, 2008
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Sleep Training: Night 2

So…night 2 was much better.  Daddy and I decided to tag team being with her in her nursery and do a new little “shuffle” with dimming the lights and putting some fun things in her crib such as her little stuffed doll and a flashlight (she loves flashing it around the room)…we just didn’t want her to think that her crib was a punishment.  For about an hour we took turns just keeping her from getting to anxious…if she got anxious then we would distract her with either sitting her up, taking her out of her crib, changing from the nightlight to the dim lamp…it was working.  When she got really tired I nursed her to sleep…we will be working on this in phases…our first phase is to not be afraid of being in her crib.  She fell asleep for only 30 minutes…then I went in there again and nursed her a bit (for comfort) and then laid her in her crib and flashed the flashlight around the room and she fell asleep watching it.

She slept until around 2:20a and Daddy worked on getting her back to sleep for about 25-30 minutes…she fell asleep 2x but woke herself back up again in a matter of minutes.  So 30 minutes is enough time to try to get her down so I nursed her and put her down and she slept until just after 8 a.m.  So this really was an improvement because she did not constantly wake up in the early a.m…when she would stir she’d put herself back to sleep easily enough.  That is how she used to be but lately that was not happening. 

We figure that because she did not have any meltdowns or tantrums going to sleep that night (even though it was still a little later than we’d like) she slept better.  So…this might be slow progress since it was still later than her bedtime and I still nursed her to sleep…but we’ll phase it out.  No tantrums or meltdowns though! 🙂

 Saturday was my 30th birthday also so it was nice to get a little more sleep. 🙂


Add a comment January 13, 2008
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Sleep Training: Night 1

Last night was NIGHT 1 of Tulip’s sleep training.  It was AWFUL!  I had purchased this 3-day sleep training e-book from Lora Jensen and it was actually almost exactly what I’d already been doing unsuccessfully!  I just don’t have the heart or strength to hear her screaming and screaming in her crib even if I am sitting there next to her patting her.  I picked her up 3 times for a few minutes of slight relief but she screamed like she was possessed by a demon for an hour before I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  It still took her 30-45 minutes after that to stop whimpering, twitching, and off and on crying over HURT FEELINGS I’m convinced.

So…I’m not saying that Lora Jensen is wrong because her method is what I’ve implemented in the past with a few tweaks and it was great and Tulip was falling asleep in her crib in 10-40 minutes with very little to no crying.  Most nights it was about 20 minutes.  But…this round of “retraining”…I’m not sure sure it’s going to work.

For Night 2 we, daddy and I, are going to slowly implement introducing the crib as a non-threatening place to be.  In a little while I will go up with her to her nursery (before her 2nd nap) and just have her sit in her crib and play with her dolls and watch her mobile.  This has worked in the past but she has never had these types of meltdowns so we’ll see if it will work this round.

 Hope there are other mamas out there who can relate and if you have advise…write in!


1 comment January 11, 2008
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